Photo Gallery
This is a new item on our website.
In the future weeks I will be adding this with older phographs.
The links below will take you to various gallery pictures located on this server.
As the links become live they will be underlined.
McElroy House and Rush Wray Museum
150th Commemorative of the Battle of Burnsville
The Battle of Burnsville (2010)
Membership Appreciation Day 2013
Exhibitions, Talks and Programs
Old Timey Fall Festival 2012
Old Timey Album
Blue Ridge Heritage Day 2014
Storytelling Camp 2013
Storytelling Camp 2014
Storytelling Camp 2015
Our Musical Heritage
Some Old YHA Collection Photos 2007
Workin' on the Railroad
Pickin' on the Porch
Unvailing Portrait by Stuart Wilson and Moonshine Still
YHA May 2018
The common element in making all of this work is YOU and your membership.
You can make a huge difference in our community, working with the town of Burnsville, the County and the school system as we move forward into the future.
Click here to open the membership form. and come join us for another exciting year. All donations and membership fees are tax deductable since the Yancey History Association is a 501-C3 non-profit organization.
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